A good Student Mentee

  • Is available, accountable, accessible and consistent
  • Prompt, reliable and respectful of the Alum Mentor’s time
  • Asks questions and seeks advice, then listens and follows through on action items
  • Looks to the Student Mentor for encouragement, friendship, guidance and coaching
  • Sets reasonable expectations and a SMART goal and makes efforts to achieve them

To have a successful mentoring experience, Student Mentees should

  • Share your expectations and needs with your Alum Mentor
  • Set a reasonable, measurable and meaningful goal with Alum Mentor
  • Revisit goals monthly with your Alum Mentor to ensure that you are on track
  • Communicate weekly with mentor and interact according to the Mentor UPP schedule
  • Work at building a positive, professional and respectful relationship
  • Listen to Alum Mentor’s advice, explore options and utilize information and resources provided by your Alum Mentor
  • Be prepared to discuss topics with your Alum Mentor and be receptive to suggestions and feedback


  • Contact Alum Mentor to establish your initial meeting
  • Set expectations and a SMART Goal with your Alum Mentor after your first meeting
  • Interact with Alum Mentor according to the Mentor UPP schedule
  • Follow up on commitments made with your Alum Mentor
  • Attend one of the Mentor UPP Mentee Training Sessions and any called meetings


Q: I don’t know what next year will look like yet. Can I join later?

Registration is only open April14- May 31. There will be a brief opt-out period immediately prior to matching if you change your mind. If you have the slightest interest in joining, please register now.

Q: I’m doing co-op (or study abroad), can I still participate?

A: Absolutely!

Q: I’m graduating in December, can I still participate?

A: Yes, please do!

Q: What if I don’t like my mentor?

A: Tell us. We’ll help you navigate in the chance of a mis-match.

Q: What about the Mentor UPP: Undergraduate Peer Program?

A: Stay tuned! Registration will open in August for the peer program. This program pairs freshmen and sophomores with juniors and seniors in the College of Engineering for a year-long peer mentoring and networking program. We are looking forward to new and exciting changes for 2021-2022.

Q: Can I participate in both peer and professional programs?

A: Juniors and Seniors can be a mentor in the peer program and a mentee in the professional program simultaneously. We highly encourage participation in both.

Once you have been matched with a professional mentor, it is expected that you follow through with the year-long commitment. Communication is key to building a strong and meaningful relationship and we will help guide you to make the most of the experience. You and your mentor can set the pace (weekly meetings, monthly meetings, quarterly meetings) based on your schedule and expectations.